Nun ternak ni October 1, 2023

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Nau Rawl

Hnuk Ai Ah Hmanmi Bawhte Rawl

  • Onhmi:
    • Kampani hmelchunhnak, a phun, le hmetngan hna cu bawmhnak hmuhmi ningin khiah piak asi. A dang thlen piak ding a um lo.

Bawhte Rawl

Ahmet Ngan: 4 oz. si dur, 4 oz. bawm pa 2, asiloah 2 oz. bawm pa 2

  • Onhmi:
    • Thingthei & Tisik Anhnah
    • Theihai le/asiloah anhnah (apple-banhla, kawrhra-apple) ti khin pakhat cio in siseh, cawhhrup in siseh an i tel. Kokek.

Nawl Onhmi Phun:

  • wic_BeechNut_SweetPotato


  • bac_gerber_sweeetpotato


  • Meijer_Infant-Food


  • EB_BabyFoodJars_Pears

    Earth's Best Organic

  • Parents-Choice

    Parent’s Choice

  • Select_Fresh

    Pic Select Fresh

  • wic_TippyToes_Carrots

    Tippy Toes

  • HappyBabyOrganics

    Happy Baby Organics

  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Pouches
    • cereal phun phun cawhmi, chumhhot mi (casserole), rawl khim hnu i ei mi pawl, zaanriah, asiloah cini, cite
    • kasi dat asiloah DHA telhmi eidin cawhpolh mi (tahchunhnak ah, an hnah, buh, pasta, cawhnuk thor, asiloah khawhsoi).


2.5 oz. thawl

  • Onhmi:
    • Satit lawng, sahang asiloah meh hang ai tel kho. Angah mi phun: vui ar
    • cawsa, arsa, silo le voksa a phei thit carmi. Kokek

Nawl Onhmi Phun:

  • wic_BeechNut_BeefBroth


  • bac_gerber_beef


  • Jar_Chicken


  • EB_BabyFoodJars

    Earth's Best Organic

  • wic_TippyToes_ChickenwithGravy

    Tippy Toes

  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Pouches
    • cereal phun phun cawhmi, chumhhot mi (casserole), rawl khim hnu i ei mi pawl, zaanriah, asiloah cini, cite
    • kasi dat asiloah DHA telhmi eidin cawhpolh mi (tahchunhnak ah, saa-anhnah, buh, pasta, cawhnuk thor, asiloah khawhsoi).

Bawhte Ei Awk (Cereal)

8 asiloah 16 oz. thawl

  • Onhmi:
    • Facang poah, fang tampi aa telmi
    • ASILOAH kokek chuak

Nawl Onhmi Phun:

  • cereal

    Baby Basics

  • multigrain


  • danalac-baby-cereals-rice


  • oatmeal


  • cereal


  • B00U9VXS54_MAIN

    Earth's Best Organic

  • rice

    Parent’s Choice

  • body

    Tippy Toes

  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Thawl chung i erh mi
    • formula cawhchapmi
    • theihai, quinoa, DHA


Cawhnuk Hang

A man ai deng cem mi tazik. Thil a phun le hmetngan cu bawmhnak hmuhmi ah langhter asi.

  • Onhmi:
    • Adihlak asiloah Vitamin D
    • Thau-Zawrtermi (2%)
    • Thau-a tlawmmi (½ asiloah 1%) asiloah Thau-aa tel lomi (thauchuah mi)


Ahmet Ngan: Pee hnuk ½ gallon pung a lawng in silo le amah ning in.

  • Onhmi:
    • Pung a lawng in silo le amah ning in

Nawl Onhmi Phun:

  • 8thContinentSoymilkOriginal

    8th Continent

  • bottle

    Great Value

  • bottle


  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Tamhmi le
    • thlalang thawl ah rawnmi.

Sapesial in chuah mi cawhnuk

Bawmhnak hmuhmi ah langhter chihmi ningin asi lai.

  • Onhmi:
    • Tikhu chuah ter cia mi: 12 oz.
    • Lekṭos-umlo mi: Kalan cheu li cheu khat asiloah kalan ½ asiloah kalan 0.75
    • UHT
    • Powder dip: Hmetngan a zapi in
  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Kokek chuak
    • tamhmi
    • a deu
    • thawhpat lak cangmi cawhnuk
    • Milnot cawhnuk
    • Vitamite cawhnuk
    • asiloah thlalang thawl ah rawnmi cawhnuk.

Cawhnuk Thor (Dinchin)

Ahmet Ngan: Gallon cheuli cheukhat (32 oz.) dur 1 asiloah

Tampi in funmi: 2, 4 oz. 4 tom hrai = 32 oz.; 1, 4 oz. 8 tom hrai = 32 oz.;

2, 2 oz. 8 tom dur = 32 oz.; 1, 2 oz. 16 tom dur = 32 oz.

  • Onhmi:
    • Zeibantuk phun thawtnak poahpoah: thau a tello mi
    • thau a tlawmmi, thautling, asiloah Greek cawhnuk thor

Nawl Onhmi Phun:

  • activia
  • best-choice
  • brown-cow
  • chobani
  • coburn-farms
  • dannon
  • essential-logo
  • fage
  • FoodClub
  • gaint
  • great-value
  • j%j
  • kinger
  • lala
  • lucerne
  • market
  • mehadrid
  • meijer
  • moutainhigh
  • oioks
  • open-nuture
  • our-family
  • praise-farms
  • purple-caw
  • fchnucks
  • fage
  • two-good
  • yopolin
  • ziyad
  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Kokek
    • a ṭha deuh mi
    • a zangmi
    • ai cawh mi
    • a pak pak in zuar mi hrai
    • asiloah hrai khat ah cini 40 grams nak uak deuh mi.

Cawhnuk Khal

Ahmet ngan: 8 oz. asiloah 16 oz.

  • Onhmi:
    • U.S chuahmi, fun cia mi
    • Thautling, Thau a tlawmmi, asiloah thau aa tel lomi
    • ah mi, per mi, ben mi, a car mi, a tlang in chiahmi, hri (16oz tiang), queso oaxaca
    • le a tang lei langhter mi a thawtnak asiloah cawh pawlh mi:
      • American, zuatmi in, sermi pawl
      • Cheddar
      • Colby
      • Colby-Jack
      • Monterey Jack
      • Mozzarella
      • Muenster
      • Provolone
      • Queso
      • Swiss
  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Kokek
    • deli hmunhma in a phan mi cawhnuk khal
    • cawhnuk khal in tuah mi eidin
    • Cawhnuk khal in chuah mi pawl
    • Ai awh tu asiloah perh mi
    • Nawlcawnmi asiloah a dang cio in fun mi cawhnuk khal
    • Thawtnak chap chih mi asiloah ramdang in kuat mi

Thingthei & Tisik Anhnah

Thingthei le Tisik Anhnah caah Phaisa Bawmhnak Hmuhmi cu bawmhnak hmuhmi ah langh ter mi a zat ningin chuah than khawh asi.

Kokek Chuak Asiloah Si Aa Telmi Kokek Chuak Rawl Asi Lomi

Generic PLU 4469. Hman nak nawl na ngeih mi tangka (Dollar) hi thilcawk ding cazin ah langhter chih asi.


  • Onhmi:
    • Thil a thlum tertu cawh lomi thingthei
    • Aalu aa tel lomi tisik anhnah
  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Khaltermi aalu paoh paoh
    • Thlumternak, citi, thau, anhring asiloah thingthak telhmi thilchuak pawl; a bang mi, a thur mi asiloah rawh mi pawl.

A Hningno mi

  • Onhmi:
    • A zapi asiloah tanmi
    • Anhnah phunphun bawm khumhmi
  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Thurtermi anhnah
    • Olive
    • Anhring asiloah thingthak
    • Thing thei hak
    • tisik anhnah phunphun
    • Ei awk a ṭha mi pangpar
    • Tamhmi asiloah dawhte in tuah mi mai, asiloah hnuk mi
    • meh phunkhat asiloah pawnghmuk hme tein ahmi (croutons)

Dur Chung Erhmi Rawl

  • Onhmi:
    • Tazik kip
    • Thangthei hang asiloah ti 100% in a chuah termi thingthei hna
    • Punghman, sodium a tlawmmi, asiloah cite cawh lomi tisik anhnah pawl
  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Cini, ciantaka, thawtternak, thlumternak, thau, cite
    • Anhring asiloah thing thak
    • A bangmi/cawhnuk khal/thawhpat
    • Thurter mi an hnah
    • Khazianchinti hang, tihang, salsa, sathit asiloah
    • Pe pawl chap chih mi theihai le anhnaih.

Thingthei Hang

Khal termi thingthei hang thianh ciami

Ṭhathnemnak cazin a tangmi ah khan a hmetngan cu langh ter asi

Nu pawl ca lawng asi.

  • Onhmi:
    • 100% thingthei hang (thingthei asiloah tisik anhnah)
    • Le a tlawm bik 72 mg ASILOAH 120% Vitamin C
    • Tamhmi silo le cawhmi poahpoah

Hrawl Ah Fim Mi Eidin

46-48 oz. lawng lawng. Zeibantuk thawl paoh paoh.

Khal Ter Mi Asiloah Hrawl ah fim mi eidin Thianh Ciami

11.5 – 12 oz thei hang cu a tthawn deuhnak ding caah 48 oz.

silo le cunak tam in a sertu chim ning in tuah khawh asi.

Nawl Onhmi Phun:

  • save-awlays
  • AppleandEve
  • bluebirdjuice_logo
  • bluebirdjuice_logo
  • campoelis
  • Dianes
  • dole
  • essential-logo
  • FoodClub
  • freedoms
  • gaint
  • great-value
  • hy-top
  • iga
  • indian-summer
  • juisy-juice
  • kinger
  • Langers
  • market
  • meijer
  • minite-mind
  • Musselmans_Logo-1
  • Natures
  • Natures
  • orchard_logo
  • our-family
  • gold
  • ruby-kist
  • fchnucks
  • seneca
  • shurfine
  • Signature
  • spartan
  • wic_TiptonGroveLogo21
  • tree-top-logo
  • Tropicana_logo
  • v8
  • wic_valu-time
  • welchs
  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Kokek asiloah
    • A tha deuh mi

Thingthei Hang – 64 Oz.

Hngakchia lawng lawng.

  • Onhmi:
    • 100% thingthei hang (Thingthei asiloah tisik anhnah)
    • le a tlawm bik 72 mg asiloah 120% Vitamin C
    • Tamhmi silo le cawhmi poahpoah.

Hrawl ah Fimmi Eidin asiloah Khal Ter mi

64 oz. lawng lawng. Zeibantuk thawl paoh paoh

Nawl Onhmi Phun:

  • save-awlays
  • AppleandEve
  • bluebirdjuice_logo
  • campoelis
  • Centrella
  • dole
  • dutch-fams
  • essential-logo
  • everfresh
  • FoodClub
  • freedoms
  • gaint
  • Gold-Emblem
  • great-value
  • Harvest-Classic
  • hy-top
  • iga
  • indian-summer
  • juisy-juice
  • kinger
  • Langers
  • libbys
  • market
  • Martins
  • meijer
  • motts_logo-copy
  • pure
  • Musselmans_Logo-1
  • Natures
  • Natures-Own
  • Natures
  • ocean-spray
  • orchard_logo
  • Orchard-pure
  • our-family
  • praise-fram
  • ruby-kist
  • SamsChoice
  • fchnucks
  • seneca
  • shoppers
  • shurfine
  • Signature
  • Smart-Sense
  • spartan
  • wic_TiptonGroveLogo21
  • tree-top-logo
  • Tropicana_logo
  • v8
  • wic_valu-time
  • welchs
  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Kokek asiloah
    • A tha deuh mi


Pawnghmuk le ban hmuk

Ahmet Ngan: Changvut asiloah fang in sermi changreu hlum 16 oz. lawnglawng. Ban hmuk 12 – 16 oz.

  • Onhmi:
    • Changvut asiloah fang in sermi changreu hlum
    • Buns (not pictured)
    • Whole wheat and whole grain
    • 12 to 16 ounce packages

Nawl Onhmi Phun:

  • bread
    Aunt Millie’s
    • 100% Whole Wheat
    • Healthy Goodness Whole Grain White
  • bread
    Best Choice
    • 100% Whole Wheat
  • bread
    • 100% Whole Wheat
  • bread
    • 100% Whole wheat
  • bread
    • 100% Whole Wheat
  • bread
    Family Choice
    • 100% Whole Wheat
  • bread
    • 100% Whole Wheat
  • bread
    Lewis Bake Shop
    • Healthy Life Sugar Free 100% Whole Wheat
    • Healthy Life 100% Whole Wheat
    • 100% Whole Wheat
  • bread
    • 100% Whole Wheat
  • bread
    Nature’s Own
    • 100% Whole Grain Sugar Free
    • 100% Whole Wheat w/Honey
  • bread
    Our Family
    • 100% Whole Wheat
  • bread
    Pepperidge Farms
    • 100% Whole Wheat Cinnamon Swirl w/Raisins Bread (Blue Label)
    • 100% Whole Wheat Hamburger Buns
    • Light Style Soft Wheat
    • Light Style 100% Whole Wheat Bread
    • Very Thin 100% Whole Wheat Bread
    • Rye Facang
  • bread
    Roman Meal
    • Sungrain 100% Whole Wheat
  • bread
    Sara Lee
    • Classic 100% Whole Wheat
  • bread
    • 100% Whole Wheat
  • bread
    Shoppers Value
    • 100% Whole Wheat
  • bread
    Signature Select
    • 100% Whole Wheat Bread
  • bread
    • 100% Whole Wheat
  • bread
    Village Hearth
    • 100% Whole Wheat
  • bread
    • 100% Whole Wheat
  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Zualmi
    • pawnghmuk kualmi (bagel)
    • rawhmi pawl
    • asiloah kokek


Ahmet Ngan: 16 – 18 oz. lawng lawng

  • Onhmi:
    • Zeibantuk ṭazik poah
    • a rangmi, zualmi, gluten aa tel lo mi asiloah hmanpeng mi oats
  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Kokek chuak
    • Pan tein permi oat facang
    • Cini, a thau, chiti, asiloah cite telhmi


Ahmet Ngan: 16 – 18 oz. tom

  • Onhmi:
    • Zeihmanh telh lomi, kuang asiloah bawm in sanhmi
    • hman khawh colhmi, a rang mi, asiloah punghman.
  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Kokek, thau, chiti, sodium, asiloah
    • tamhmi telhchihmi

Whole Grain Barley

Ahmet Ngan: 16 - 18 oz. packages

  • Onhmi:
    • Zeihmanh telh lomi, kuang asiloah bawm in sanhmi
    • hman khawh colhmi, a rang mi, asiloah punghman.
  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Kokek, thau, chiti, sodium, asiloah
    • tamhmi telhchihmi

Fang Pawl

Ahmet Ngan: 14 – 16 oz.

  • Onhmi:
    • Zeibantuk ṭazik poah
    • zeihmanh telh lomi, kuang asiloah zal
    • asi kho colhmi, a rang mi, asiloah punghman
  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Kokek chuak


Ahmet Ngan: 16 oz. lawnglawng

  • Onhmi:
    • Changvut khohsuai zeibantuk ṭazik, pungsan poah

Nawl Onhmi Phun:

  • Americas-Choice
  • Barilla
  • essential-logo
  • gia_russa_logo
  • gaint
  • great-value
  • Heartland
  • Hodgson-Milll_Logo
  • kinger
  • meijer
  • our-family
  • pstazara
  • Racconto
  • Ronzoni_logo
  • fchnucks
  • Signature
  • fage
  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Kokek

Tortillas Changreu

Ahmet Ngan: 16 oz. lawnglawng

Nawl Onhmi Phun:

  • tortilla
    Best Choice
    • Whole Wheat
    • Corn
  • tortilla
    • Whole Wheat
    • Yellow Corn
    • White Corn
  • tortilla
    • Whole Wheat
    • Corn
  • tortilla
    Don Pancho
    • Whole Wheat
  • tortilla
    Essential Everyday
    • Corn 5½"
    • Whole Wheat 8" Whole Grain
  • tortilla
    Food Club
    • Whole Wheat
  • tortilla
    • Whole Wheat
  • tortilla
    Great Value
    • Whole Wheat
  • tortilla
    • Yellow Corn
  • tortilla
    • Whole Wheat
    • Gluten Free Yellow Corn
  • tortilla
    La Banderita
    • Whole Wheat
    • Corn
  • tortilla
    • Whole Wheat 8"
  • tortilla
    Mi Casa
    • Whole Wheat
  • tortilla
    • Whole Wheat
    • Corn
  • tortilla
    • Whole Wheat
  • tortilla
    Our Family
    • Yellow Corn
    • White Corn
    • Whole Wheat
  • tortilla
    • Whole Wheat
  • tortilla
    Signature Select
    • Whole Wheat
  • tortilla
    Tio Santi
    • Whole Wheat


Ahmet Ngan: Cereal Thaithawh (9 oz. in 36 oz. tia funmi) he cawh mi paoh. (11.8 oz. and 23.7 oz. Ei khawh colh mi Oat Changvut hi onh mi asi).

Nawl Onhmi Phun:

* Naupaw pawl asi loah nau ka pawi kho men tiah ai ruatmi pawl: Folic acid ngah nak ding ah 100% DV (daily value) ai tel mi cereal kha kawl.

Ahmet Ngan: Cereal Thaithawh (9 oz. in 36 oz. tiang fun mi tia) he cawh mi paoh.
(11.8 oz. and 23.7 oz. Ei khawh colh mi Oatmeal hi onh mi asi).

Nawl Onhmi Phun:


  • Cream_of_Rice_Original


  • cream-of-rice


  • Cream of Wheat original Packets


  • instant


  • minute

    2.5 Minute

  • 10minute

    10 Minute

  • Whole_Grain_Instant

    Whole Grain Instant

  • Cream-of-What-Whole-Grain

    Whole Grain 2.5 Minute

General mills

  • Oat-Crunch-Berry

    Oat Crunch Berry

  • Vanilla_Spice

    Vanilla Spice

  • multigrain


  • regular-only


  • Blueberry


  • Cinnamon


  • Corn


  • Rice_chex


  • Wheat


  • Fiber One Honey Clusters

  • Total Whole Grain Wheaties

  • Berry

    Berry Berry

  • Kix


  • kix


  • Total-Whole-Grain

    Whole Grain Fonh mi Dihlak

  • Wheaties


Grain Berry

  • grain-berry

    Apple Cinnamon Toasted Oats

  • red-berry

    Cinnamon Frosted Shredded Wheat

  • malti-ban

    MultiBran Flakes

  • Toasted-berry

    Original Toasted Oats


  • Complete-Bran

    Complete Bran

  • Honey


  • Original


  • Cinnamon


  • Crispix


  • Honey

    Golden Honey

  • Blueberry


  • Chocolate


  • Cinnamon-Roll

    Cinnamon Roll

  • Filled-Mixed-Berry

    Filled Mixed Berry

  • Original5


  • Bite-Size

    Bite Size

  • Pumpkin-Spice

    Pumpkin Spice

  • Strawberry


  • Honey-Toasted

    Honey Toasted

  • Warm-Cinnamon

    Warm Cinnamon

  • Original4


  • Original0


  • Cinnamonfsdf

    Protein Multi-Grain Touch of Cinnamon


  • malt-Chocolate


  • malt-Original


  • coco-malt


  • farina


  • Crispy-Rice

    Crispy Rice

  • Original-malt1


  • Strawberry-Cream

    Strawberry Cream


  • great-grains-banana-nut-crunch-1

    Great Grains Banana Nut

  • Crunchy-Pecan

    Crunch Crunchy Pecan

  • honey-almonds


  • Cinnamon-post


  • honey-roasted

    Honey Roasted

  • Pecans

    Maple and Pecans

  • vanilla


  • Drizzlerz

    Frosted Drizzlerz


  • Original-Only

    Instant Grits - Original Only

  • Original-quaker

    Instant Oatmeal - Original Only

  • life-original


  • life-vanilla


  • Oat-Brang

    Oat Bran

  • Squares

    Oatmeal Squares
    Kawfi Muici Facang

  • Squares52

    Oatmeal Squares Brown Sugar

  • Honey-Nut

    Oatmeal Squares Honey Nut

Store Brands

  • Onhmi:
    • A tlingtlakmi a phunphun telhnak: Fangvoi in a Tlapte te in sermi, Fangcang in car tein sermi, Ei khawh colhmi Oat Facang in Sermi Rawl, Ei khawh colhmi Oat Facang in Sermi Rawl, Oat Rawhmi, Facang in Kili Ngei Pungsan In Sermi, Fangvoi in Kili Ngei Pungsan in Sermi, Fangvoi in Ki Ruk Ngei Pungsan in Sermi, Facang in Ki Ruk Ngei Pungsan in Sermi

Nawl Onhmi Phun:

  • bluebirdjuice_logo
  • essential-logo
  • FoodClub
  • great-value
  • hy-top
  • iga
  • kiggins
  • kinger
  • meijer
  • our-family
  • fchnucks
  • shoppers
  • shurfine
  • Signature
  • wic_valu-time



Ahmet Ngan: Hlei hnih bu 1 (1 dozen)

  • Onhmi:
    • Angan asiloah a ngan hlei mi A Rangmi Le/Asiloah a Dummi Arti
    • A man ai deng cem mi tazik.
  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Kokek
    • a ṭha deuh mi
    • jumbo
    • asiloah a man a fakmi special arti (cholesterol dat thumhmi, hren lomi/thlahmi, Omega-3 Sa a ei lomi nih ei mi).


Ahmet Ngan: 14 – 17 oz. tom

  • Onhmi:
    • Zeibantuk pungsan
    • punghman asiloah
    • kokek poahpoah

Nawl Onhmi Phun:

  • azumaya
  • framika
  • house-food
  • nasoya
  • orgenic
  • Kokeks
  • simple-truth
  • west-toy-1
  • woodstock
  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Thau, cini, thlumternak, chiti, cite, thawtnak pek mi
    • reu mi tofu cawhmi.

Mipe Cawhnuk Thawhpat

Ahmet Ngan: 16 oz. – 18 oz. dur

  • Onhmi:
    • Kokek, A Cutmi, Asiloah A Cut Chin Chin Mi
  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Mipe phulhmi
    • rial tharmi asiloah denmi mipe cawhnuk thawhpat
    • tamhmi mipe cawhnuk thawhpat
    • kokek mipe cawhnuk thawhpat
    • ungkung chiti asiloah vitamin, soda, Omega 3, DHA, asiloah EPA telhmi mipe cawhnuk thawhpat.


Ahmet Ngan: Zeibantuk paoh

  • Onhmi:
    • Ti, Citi Asiloah An Hnah Sa Hang He Fun Chih Mi
    • Chunk Light Tuna nga: Zeibantuk dur silole funmi paoh paoh. Athawt nam Telhchih mi pawl: theithu hmuk (lemon pepper), sii ram kung le khachuan, tbk pawl.
    • Pink Salmon nga: Zeibantuk dur silole funmi paoh paoh.
    • Sardines nga: Ti, thling hang asiloah cite hang zei tia poh asi mi. Athawt nam Telhchih mi pawl: aalu, anttam, silo le theithu.
    • Mackerel: Ti, thling hang asiloah cite hang zei tia poh asi mi.
  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Kokek chuak
    • Albacore asiloah Aihre Muci Nga Thla
    • A rangmi
    • A tlang
    • A hninghnomi
    • a khalmi
    • a man a fakmi phun.

Bete, Pe Kawng Sau, & Pe

  • Onhmi:
    • Zeibantuk paoh

A car mi

1 lb. aa tlummi zal (16 oz.)

Dur chung erhmi rawl

Ahmet Ngan: 15 oz. – 64 oz.

  • Ai tel chih lo mi:
    • Kokek chuak
    • kuang sanhmi
    • Rawhmi bête
    • Aihre muici bête
    • sup hang
    • Cini, a thau, chiti telhmi, tihang tamhnak asiloah sa telhchihmi.


Na umnak Indiana Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC, Nu, Bawhte le Hngakchia caah Thazang A Pekmi Rawl Bawmhchanhnak Special Program) mizaw zohternak cu phone chawnh ko hna asiloah hi namber hi chawnh hna 800-522-0874.

Hi riantuannak zung cu atlukmi caantha petu asi.


Side Lying Hold

Side-Lying Hold

  1. For the right breast, lie on your right side with your baby facing you.
  2. Pull your baby close. Your baby’s mouth should be level with your nipple.
  3. In this position, you can cradle your baby’s back with your left arm and support yourself with your right arm and/or pillows.
  4. Keep loose clothing and bedding away from your baby.
  5. Reverse for the left breast.

This hold is useful when:

Cross Cradle Hold

Cross-Cradle Hold

  1. For the right breast, use your left arm to hold your baby’s head at your right breast and baby’s body toward your left side. A pillow across your lap can help support your left arm.
  2. Gently place your left hand behind your baby’s ears and neck, with your thumb and index finger behind each ear and your palm between baby’s shoulder blades. Turn your baby’s body toward yours so your tummies are touching.
  3. Hold your breast as if you are squeezing a sandwich. To protect your back, avoid leaning down to your baby. Instead, bring your baby to you.
  4. As your baby’s mouth opens, push gently with your left palm on baby’s head to help them latch on. Make sure you keep your fingers out of the way.
  5. Reverse for the left breast.

This hold is useful when:

Football Hold

Clutch or “Football” Hold

  1. For the right breast, hold your baby level, facing up, at your right side.
  2. Put your baby’s head near your right nipple and support their back and legs under your right arm.
  3. Hold the base of your baby’s head with your right palm. A pillow underneath your right arm can help support your baby’s weight.
  4. To protect your back, avoid leaning down to your baby. Bring baby to you instead.
  5. Reverse for the left breast.

This hold is useful when:

Breastfeeding Holds

Cradle Hold

  1. For the right breast, cradle your baby with your right arm. Your baby will be on their left side across your lap, facing you at nipple level.
  2. Your baby’s head will rest on your right forearm with your baby’s back along your inner arm and palm.
  3. Turn your baby’s tummy toward your tummy. Your left hand is free to support your breast, if needed. Pillows can help support your arm and elbow.
  4. To protect your back, avoid leaning down to your baby. Instead, bring your baby to you.
  5. Reverse for the left breast.

This hold is useful when:

Breastfeeding Holds

Laid-Back Hold

  1. Lean back on a pillow with your baby’s tummy touching yours and their head at breast level. Some moms find that sitting up nearly straight works well. Others prefer to lean back and lie almost flat.
  2. You can place your baby’s cheek near your breast, or you may want to use one hand to hold your breast near your baby. It’s up to you and what you think feels best.
  3. Your baby will naturally find your nipple, latch, and begin to suckle.

This hold is useful when: