Contacts with
women, infants, and children
During 2020 and 2021, Indiana WIC completed 3,586,062 participant contacts through a statewide network of WIC clinics. 1,962,454 of these contacts were children between the ages of 1-4. This represents an increase of 145,528 participants in 2020 and another increase of 153,310 participants in 2021.
Indiana WIC supported $194 million in food sales at more than 600 Indiana WIC-authorized grocery stores and pharmacies over 2020 and 2021.
To Indiana families, WIC is a safe and welcoming home. It is a place where we share the joys and anxieties of parenting, celebrate new babies and growing young children, and where we honor with pride moms and dads doing their best for their families.
WIC is where families CONNECT to receive dependable health, nutrition, breastfeeding and social supports. Respectful, caring guidance is generously offered to the families assisted by WIC. With certainty, WIC families know that WIC is a helping hand up in the midst of a world of uncertainty.
We are committed to helping Indiana families discover the importance of healthy nutrition, to uplift their health and wellbeing, and to helping them find their footing during times of despair. New challenges require new solutions, leading to INNOVATION and technological GROWTH for Indiana’s WIC program.
Breastfeeding Promotion and Support
Access to Healthy Foods
Indiana WIC remains committed to serving families and continuing daily operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. WIC local agencies have been given the flexibility to complete WIC appointments remotely, online or over the telephone. These appointments include enrollment, recertification, nutrition education/issuing benefits, breastfeeding support and referrals to other services.
Adapting to Working Remotely
In 2020 and 2021, WIC staff stepped up to the plate with creativity, enthusiasm, and dedication. With many employees still working from home, the opportunity for planned, private, quiet time continued to encourage richer conversations.
Throughout the pandemic many employees found they are able to connect more deeply with clients via web than they are typically able to do in the office. This extra time for empathy continued to encourage meaningful conversations and strengthen connections with clients.
After much anticipation, in-person WIC
appointments resumed on April 1, 2022.
Increased Caseload
Decrease in Infant Mortality
Increased Prenatal Care
Decrease in Maternal Smoking
1.6% Decrease
2.9% Decrease
5.0% Increase
5.3% Increase
The intent is to provide models and motivate other local agencies to strengthen their breastfeeding promotion and support activities and ultimately increase breastfeeding initiation, exclusivity, and duration rates among WIC clients.
The award is given at three levels of performance that build on one another: Gold, Gold Premiere, and Gold Elite. This approach recognizes agencies that are demonstrating model practices, as well as those who are at varying stages of implementing exemplary breastfeeding promotion and support practices.
To achieve the Gold Premiere Award, local agencies must also have a fully Breastfeeding category of at least 15% for two consecutive years.
Indiana WIC local agencies have been hard at work to put these best practices in place for breastfeeding promotion and support, and several agencies have been recognized for their accomplishments.
The 2020 & 2021 WIC Breastfeeding Award of Excellence recipients are as follows:
Di and her baby Kamila came to our WIC office as a referral from their nurse practitioner. The duo was struggling to make breastfeeding successful. Di knew her daughter was getting taller but wasn’t gaining enough weight.
She knew WIC provided supplemental foods but never reached out because her family could afford groceries. She discovered that WIC also has breastfeeding experts. With one-on-one support, weekly visits, and a lot of care from her mom, Kamila began gaining weight without the help of formula.
Di credits much of her success to the support from the WIC lactation staff.
Don’t be afraid or ashamed to reach out – WIC is more than milk and food. It is support to help you be the best mom you can be.
WIC Staff participated in advanced lactation training.
Di and Kamila are just one of many families whose lives are improved because of the support and resources provided by WIC that extend Di and Kamila beyond the clinic walls.
WIC Commodities Programs managed $53,730,045 in food and administrative funding in 2020 and $44,414,970 in 2021.
Eligible recipients are Indiana residents with gross household income at or below 185% of current federal poverty income guidelines which are updated annually July 1. Households who participate in Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), National School Lunch Program (NSLFP), or Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) are considered categorically eligible.
In 2020, Indiana received $44,802,025 in food funds and $6,765,217 in administrative funds which included additional funding of $2,877,684 from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, & Economic Security Act (CARES) and $1,943,365 from the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).
WIC FMNP spent $168,952 of $208,607 in food funds
37,071 food instruments were issued. 21,119 food instruments were redeemed, resulting in an overall redemption rate of 67.75%.
WIC FMNP spent $179,920 of $255,761 in food funds
40,405 food instruments were issued. 22,490 food instruments were redeemed, resulting in an overall redemption rate of 55.54%.
Indianapolis Indians Food Drive
The Indianapolis Indians teamed up with Gleaners Food Bank and the Woman, Infants and Children program (WIC) on November 2, 2020 at the Victory Field parking lot in downtown Indianapolis.
Laura Chavez, director of Indiana WIC explained, “Indiana WIC is so excited to be partnering with the Indianapolis Indians and Gleaners Food Bank in finding new and creative ways to connect Hoosier families with food resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope this drive-thru event allows families to feel safe and secure while meeting their needs for healthy food.”
In August of 2021, John Elliott, the President/CEO of Gleaners Food Bank, presented Legita Wilson, FMNP/SFMNP Coordinator with a Hunger Hero Award. Legita was one of only four recipients of the award and was selected (unanimously) by the Gleaners leadership team for her dedication to serving Hoosier families and supporting food banks during a particularly challenging time.
Fellow colleagues state, “her service-oriented heart is perfectly complemented by her incredible work ethic, resulting in a commodities program that is rivaled by no other state.” Indiana State Health Commissioner, Kristina Box, confirmed Legita’s deserving recognition of the award, adding, “it is an honor to have [Legita] engaged with Hoosiers making sure they have food security during this critical time.” Indiana Health & Human Service Assistant Commissioner, Eldon Whetstone emphasized Legita was “tremendously deserving” of the award and “a critical driver to hundreds of thousands of Hoosiers receiving millions (literally) of pounds of food this past year.”
Congratulations, Legita!Indiana WIC partners with Brush Art as an educational content partner to provide a comprehensive array of communications for our agencies and the public. The final products include highly customized print and digital content solutions, meeting our participants where they are.
Some highlights include:
Because many eligible families do not believe they qualify for WIC, Indiana WIC collaborated with the Indy Hunger Network to create a series of videos about the benefits of the WIC program. The videos use testimonials to educate and encourage viewers to see if their family may qualify for WIC assistance.
View the videos below or visit the Indy Hunger Network.
2020 Conference
2021 Conference
Indiana WIC Annual Education and Training Virtual Conference was WIC’s second virtual conference. This year’s conference focus was creating a space for healing the body, mind and spirit.
WIC Director, Laura Chavez and Brian Busching, Deputy Director, thank Keynote Speaker Fancoise Mathieu for sharing insights on, 'Why It's OK if You're Not Rocking the Pandemic'.
2021 Conference Speakers
Movie-goers and baseball fans were in for a treat with the “Flicks at Victory Field” series. In partnership with the Indianapolis Indians, Indiana WIC helped create a memorable movie watching experience for families as the stadium became a socially distanced outdoor movie theater. One lucky family (pictured) was the winner of the Indiana WIC on field pod giveaway contest for the screening of “Angels in the Outfield” on Friday, September 25, 2020.
In what has been an unforgettable time of challenges, Indiana WIC remained strong. Together, with support, technology and innovation, Indiana WIC helped guide clients to the crucial resources they needed and navigate the pandemic.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Side-Lying Hold
This hold is useful when:
Cross-Cradle Hold
This hold is useful when:
Clutch or “Football” Hold
This hold is useful when:
Cradle Hold
This hold is useful when:
Laid-Back Hold
This hold is useful when: