If you are a new mom, you have probably noticed that everyone is very willing to offer you parenting advice. While most mean well, there are a few pieces of advice that are simply not true. Here are the facts on four popular myths.
Your family and friends swear that if you add a bit of cereal to your baby’s last night feeding, they will sleep through the night. Jessica Todd, MS, RDN, LD, a registered dietitian nutritionist and new mom says, “I have definitely thought about putting cereal in my son’s bottle, because he is 8 months old and still not sleeping through the night!” But research has shown that adding cereal to the bottle does not mean that your baby will sleep through the night. Todd adds, “Your baby has to be developmentally ready to sleep through the night.” Here’s the fact: Adding cereal won’t make your baby sleep any longer. Also, adding cereal to your baby’s bottle can increase the risk of choking.
Newborn babies need human contact, so that their brain and emotions will develop properly. Remember, crying is one way newborns communicate. This is how they tell you they are hungry, tired, lonely or they need a diaper change. Research has shown that babies who are not held and cuddled as young infants struggle with emotional development and relationships later in life. So, don’t feel guilty when you get that uncontrollable urge to cuddle your little one when they cry! During those first 3 to 4 months of life, your baby is adjusting to life outside the womb, and needs you close by to make them feel safe and secure.
For years, health professionals thought the best way to avoid a peanut allergy in infants and children was to completely avoid serving them peanuts or peanut butter. But researchers have recently found that introducing children to small amounts of peanut butter earlier in life may actually reduce the chance of developing a peanut allergy. After your baby has tried foods that are less likely to cause an allergic reaction (such as oat cereal, apples or pears) with no problem, you may consider introducing a very small amount of peanut butter to their meals.
The American Academy of Pediatrics states that babies can be introduced to peanuts after 6 months of age. A word of caution: You should never give whole peanuts or peanut pieces to a child under the age of four, as they have a high risk of choking. Clumps of peanut butter can also be a choking hazard, so if you give to an older baby, make sure to mix it with mashed fruit or spread it very thinly on a cracker. Also, if you or another close relative has a history of peanut or other food allergies, talk to your baby’s pediatrician before offering peanut butter.
While this can be true for some moms, many new moms struggle with breastfeeding. If this sounds like you, don’t give up! “Understand that baby hasn’t done this before and there’s a learning curve for both mom and baby,” says Kris Harwood, RNC, E-NIC, IBCLC, RLC, a lactation consultant. Harwood recommends seeking professional help from a lactation consultant. She also suggests reaching out to family and friends who have successfully breastfed their babies to ask them for tips. Harwood adds, “Take each feeding one at a time, and each day one at a time. Things will get better.” If breastfeeding doesn’t get easier, don’t be afraid to call your WIC peer counselor or lactation consultant!
Side-Lying Hold
This hold is useful when:
Cross-Cradle Hold
This hold is useful when:
Clutch or “Football” Hold
This hold is useful when:
Cradle Hold
This hold is useful when:
Laid-Back Hold
This hold is useful when: